30 Interesting Facts About Beef Jerky

If you ended up on our page here, we imagine you’ve tried beef jerky a time or two. Maybe you’ve tried to make your own. Or are a budding aficionado of high quality beef jerky recipes. You aren’t alone! Jerky is one of the oldest and — dare we say — tastiest preserved meats available. […]
How many cows can I graze on my farm?

For farmers just starting out, this is a question that I hear quite often. The answer, and I know people hate it, is that it depends. There are so many variables involved. Soil PH, annual rainfall, does all your rain come in one season or is it spread out through out the year, pasture diversity […]
What to look for when selecting cows for a grass-fed cattle operation?

When selecting cows or bulls for your herd of grass-fed cattle, you should look for breeds that demonstrate the following characteristics. Longevity Fertility Adaptability Soundness of feet, legs, eyes and udders. Cattle from grass-fed, grass-finished beef farms are a must. These cattle will be smaller framed and able to finish at 1100 lbs. Larger framed […]
Why Did We Choose Red Devon Cattle?

Growing up, I spent some time working on dairy farms in Upstate New York. At the time I swore that I would never be a farmer. Hot summer days spent stacking hay in the top of a barn and cold winter mornings mucking manure did not instill a romantic image of farming. The one thing […]
Farms Near Nashville with Grass-fed, Grass-finished Beef

Are you looking for local farms near Nashville that raise grass-fed beef, and finish cattle on nothing but the grass nature intended? As farmers raising and selling grass-fed, grass-finished beef in the Nashville/Murfeesboro/Chattanooga area, we are excited to see the grass-fed market growing. Despite the rapid growth, grass-fed beef only represents 1% of beef sold […]
Our Favorite Sausage Lasagna Recipe

Nothing says winter in an Italian kitchen like Lasagna. If you are looking for a traditional lasagna, this is our go to crowd pleaser. Our kids, who claim to not like melted cheese, can’t get enough of this. We love to make this when hosting or going to a pot-luck dinner. It is a comfort […]
Acorn Squash with Apple Sausage Stuffing Recipe
If you are looking for a Keto and Paleo friendly recipe that will impress your guest but is really easy to make, this is the recipe to go to. You can easily source local ingredients for many of the main ingredients and the presentation will wow even the pickiest of your friends. I look forward […]
Sausage, Peppers, and Onions Dinner Recipe
The smell of peppers and onions cooking on the stove top is a smell that brings me back to my childhood. It is the signature smell of my moms cooking, so much so, that my wife used to say that the first thing she thought of when visiting my parents was the sausage, peppers, and […]
Delicious Sausage Cheddar Appetizer Bites Recipe

If you are ever in a pinch and need a quick appetizer that is sure to please your family and friends look know further then these Sausage Cheddar bites. They are packed with protein and low on carbs which makes them excellent for those on a Keto or Paleo diet. The best part is you […]
Easy Italian Sausage Recipe for Pizza

Are you looking to make your own sausage pizza? Check out our recipe right here for making an Italian sausage that’s perfect as a topping on your next homemade pizza. On Friday nights, after the kids have put in a hard week at school, our favorite family tradition is to make pizza and watch a […]