Pasture Raised Pork- Ordering Whole and Half Hogs

Pigs happily foraging on pasture as the sun rises each morning always brings a smile to my face. Pigs in their natural habitat foraging for a large percentage of their diet plays an important part in our pasture restoration. Pigs are omnivores and enjoy eating grasses, legumes, and insects. We feed a fermented barley that […]
How did you get started with pigs?

To be honest, we weren’t planning on raising pigs. However, we realized that producing the kind of healthy beef we wanted would take time to grow; to raise and finish a cow on grass alone takes about three years. In the meantime, we needed to generate an income and establish ourselves as a business while […]
The Fine Art of a Good Pig Roast

When it comes to swine dining, it’s as true as ever that you can’t fatten the pig on market day. Roasting pigs is a time-honored, and always well-attended past time that takes a good bit of preparation and know how to pull off. Here at Cove Creek Farm, we’ve put in the time with our […]
Heritage Breed Pigs

At Cove Creek farm we raise three heritage breeds: Large Black, Gloucester Old Spot, and the Mule Foot.